X-Ray Flares
Recent Flare and Fadeout Information (Larger than C8 Only)(last updated 13 Dec 2024 17:28 UT)
Approximate Flare Start : 13-12-2024 1718 UT Approximate Flare Maximum: 13-12-2024 1721 UT at Flux C 9.9 (R0) Approximate Flare End : 13-12-2024 1723 UT LOCATION OF HF FADEOUT: Approximate Flare Start : 13-12-2024 1423 UT Approximate Flare Maximum: 13-12-2024 1424 UT at Flux M 1.0 (R1) Approximate Flare End : 13-12-2024 1427 UT LOCATION OF HF FADEOUT: South America/ Approximate Flare Start : 13-12-2024 1121 UT Approximate Flare Maximum: 13-12-2024 1124 UT at Flux M 2.1 (R1) Approximate Flare End : 13-12-2024 1131 UT LOCATION OF HF FADEOUT: Sthn Africa/South Africa (RSA)/Central Africa/South Atlantic/ Approximate Flare Start : 13-12-2024 0340 UT Approximate Flare Maximum: 13-12-2024 0342 UT at Flux C 9.2 (R0) Approximate Flare End : 13-12-2024 0343 UT LOCATION OF HF FADEOUT: Approximate Flare Start : 13-12-2024 0317 UT Approximate Flare Maximum: 13-12-2024 0318 UT at Flux M 1.0 (R1) Approximate Flare End : 13-12-2024 0319 UT LOCATION OF HF FADEOUT: West Australia/East Australia/North Australia/ Approximate Flare Start : 12-12-2024 2105 UT Approximate Flare Maximum: 12-12-2024 2107 UT at Flux M 1.6 (R1) Approximate Flare End : 12-12-2024 2111 UT LOCATION OF HF FADEOUT: SE Pacific/Polynesia/