Data Download
The following section describes data available for download.
Please see Latest News for information about changes to this area.
Data Files
- Iondata - Australian scaled ionospheric data before 2014.
(small files < 200 KB - see README, data format or select data to display.) - Ionospheric Medians - FoF2 and M3000
median data before 2014.
(small files < 200 KB - see README, data format or select data to display.) - Automatically scaled ionospheric data, including 5 minutes and checked hourly foF2 and monthly foF2 median data after 2014.
(small files < 30 KB - see README for median data, data formats, or to display 5 minutes/hourly data or foF2 median data.) - Ionogram Data - Raw and clean ionogram data.
(daily zip files < 1000 KB - see README or ionogram data format for more details.) - Ionosonde measurements v2.10 - Dr T Damboldt has kindly provided a data viewer and consolidated median data set for download. It is available from the download site. Please read the HELP file prior to downloading and running this self extracting archive. This data set is also available as global_medians_*.zip and global_medians_*.tar.gz from the download site Be aware that you use it at your own risk.
- Magnetometer - magnetometer data from Australian and
Antarctic stations.
(large - approx 3MB day files - see README for details or select data to display) - Cosmic Ray Data - from Kingston and Mawson.
(small files < 100 KB - see README for details or select data to display) - Riometer Data - from Casey, Davis, Macquarie
Island and Mawson.
(small files < 50 KB - see README for details or select data to display)
- Spectrograph - data from the Culgoora and Learmonth
(large - approx 30MB day files - see README for details or select data to display) - Solar Images - from the Culgoora and Learmonth Solar Observatory.
(large - approx 2Mb zipped hour files - see README for details) - Solar Radio Flux Data - from the Learmonth Solar
(different data files from 10Kb to 2Mb files - see README for details or select data to display)
- GNSS Data - RINEX-format GPS data.
(daily zip files < 600KB - see README for description of format) - Scintillation Data (ISM) - GPS Ionospheric
Scintillation Monitor (ISM) data.
(daily zip s4 data files about 300KB - see README for a description of the format)