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FORECAST SOL: Moderate yellow MAG: Moderate yellow ION: Normal green
HomeHF SystemsAustralasiaHF ConditionsIonospheric Summary and Forecast Saturday, Jul 27 2024 11:10 UT

Ionospheric Summary and Forecast

Ionospheric Summary

(last updated 26 Jul 2024 23:30 UT)

Date T index 26 Jul 145 Observed Australian Regional MUFs Cocos Island Region: Enhanced by 20% during local day. Near predicted monthly values during local night. Niue Island Region: Near predicted monthly values. Northern Australian Region: Near predicted monthly values. Southern Australian Region: Enhanced by 20%. Antarctic Region (Casey/Davis/Mawson): Near predicted monthly values over the UT day. Monthly T index: Month T index Jun 120 Jul 118 Aug 117

Ionospheric Forecast

(last updated 26 Jul 2024 23:30 UT)

Date T index MUFs 27 Jul 130 Near predicted monthly values to 15% enhanced 28 Jul 130 Near predicted monthly values to 15% enhanced 29 Jul 130 Near predicted monthly values to 15% enhanced COMMENT: ASWFC SWF HF Communications Warning 79 was issued on 26 July and is current for 26-27 Jul. Maximum usable frequencies (MUFs) on UT day 26-Jul were near predicted values to 20% enhanced in the Australian region. Strong spread F was observed at Hobart during local night hours. MUFs are expected to be near predicted values to 15% enhanced over 27-29 Jul. Isolated minor fadeouts are possible.

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