Site Help
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HomeSite HelpAccessibility Tuesday, Oct 22 2024 07:35 UT


The Government's access and equity policies aim to ensure that government services meet the needs of all Australians irrespective of their needs. They also aim to help Australians of all backgrounds to have the opportunity to achieve their potential and participate fully in society - regardless of any special need or disability. This means making government services culturally appropriate, accessible, consumer-oriented and effective.

In accordance with the Australian Government's Website Accessibility National Transition Strategy, SWS has revised its website with reference to the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0.

Access keys

Access keys allow you to jump to a particular page or to a specific part of a page using keyboard short-cuts:

  • S = Skip navigation
  • 1 = IPS home page
  • 2 = Site news
  • 3 = Site map
  • 4 = Search
  • 6 = Help
  • 9 = Feedback
  • 0 = Access key details

To invoke an access key, special keys need to be pressed simulateously, or afterwards. The special keys to use depend on the browser and operating system. The table below lists the special keys for some popular browsers. Please refer to the relevant browser documentation for further information.

Browser Windows Mac
Chrome 3 Alt Ctrl + Opt
Internet Explorer 8 Alt, followed by Enter not available
Firefox 14.0.1 Alt + Shift Ctrl + Opt
Safari 4 Alt Ctrl + Opt

Obtaining assistance

If you are having difficulty accessing any online materials produced by SWS, please contact our Accessibility Officer and provide the following information:

  • your contact details;
  • the location of the page you are accessing;
  • the operating system and browser version you are using;
  • any other software you are using;
  • the nature of the problem you are experiencing.

The Bureau's disability service will then make arrangements to provide you with the information you are seeking in an accessible manner.

Accessibility Officer (EEO)
Bureau of Meteorology
GPO Box 1289
Melbourne Vic 3001

phone: 03 9669 4524

(remove 'nospam' to use the following address)

To report a systems fault or problem with a SWS product, please use our Feedback page.

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