Glossary of Solar Terrestrial Terms
skip terms menu- Seasonal Anomaly
- Short Wave Fadeout
- Signal-to-Noise Ratio
- Skip Distance
- Sky Wave
- Smoothed Sunspot Number
- Solar Activity
- Solar Control
- Solar Cycle
- Solar Flux Unit
- Solar Maximum
- Solar Minimum
- Solar Wind
- Solstice
- Sporadic E
- Spread F
- Storm
- Sudden Commencement
- Sudden Impulse
- Sudden Ionospheric Disturbance
- Sunspot Number
- Sunspots
Seasonal Anomaly
See Winter Anomaly.
Short Wave Fadeout
See Daylight Fadeout.
Sudden Ionospheric Disturbance. See Daylight Fadeout.
Signal-to-Noise Ratio
The ratio of the magnitude of a signal to that of noise.
Skip Distance
The distance between where the ground wave ends and the sky wave becomes detectable. The length of the skip distance is dependent on the operating frequency. Decreasing the operating frequency is likely to reduce the skip distance.
Sky Wave
The radio wave which propagates through the ionosphere. It is often called the ionospheric wave to distinguish it from the direct (line of sight) wave and ground wave.
Smoothed Sunspot Number
An average of monthly sunspot numbers centred on the month of concern. There are various formulas, however, the aim is to smooth discrete data points.
Solar Activity
Any change in the Sun's appearance or behaviour. The Sun's activity is described as being very low, low, moderate, high or very high. These terms refer to the strength and number of x-ray solar flares:
- Very Low: x-ray events less than C-class
- Low: C-class x-ray events
- Moderate: isolated (1 to 4) M-class x-ray events
- High: several (5 or more) M-class x-ray events, or isolated (1 to 4) M5 or greater x-ray events
- Very High: several (5 or more) M5 or greater x-ray events
Solar Control
The term used to indicate that the behaviour of an ionospheric region is dominated by the Sun.Solar Cycle
Solar activity changes over a period of, on average, 11 years. At solar maximum, solar activity is high and so too the EUV radiation output which affects the ionosphere. At solar minimum, the opposite is true. A solar cycle commences at solar minimum.
Solar Flux Unit
Unit of radio emission from the Sun, usually given as 10-22 watts per square metre.
Solar Maximum
The time at which the Sun reaches its highest activity as defined by the 12-month smoothed value of the sunspot number.
Solar Minimum
The time at which the Sun reaches its lowest point in solar activity as defined by the 12-month smoothed value of the sunspot number.
Solar Wind
The outflow of solar material from the hot, unstable corona. The solar wind blows into interplanetary space with a speed of about 400 km/s (this can vary dramatically), carrying with it the magnetic fields that originate in the Sun.
The times when the Sun reaches its greatest declination away from the Earth's equator. The times of longest day and shortest night, and vice versa. Occur in June and December.
Sporadic E
A thin ionised layer in the E region that occurs irregularly. Unlike the E region, sporadic E is not solar controlled. Sporadic E may occur day or night.
Spread F
Irregularities in the F region of the ionosphere which scatter radio signals causing a degradation in communications.
Severe departure from normal conditions in either the ionosphere or the geomagnetic field.
Sudden Commencement
A sudden impulse becomes a sudden commencement if the impulse is succeeded by a geomagnetic storm. In most cases, sudden commencements occur almost simultaneously around the world.
Sudden Impulse
Abrupt increase in the strength of the horizontal component of the geomagnetic field.
Sudden Ionospheric Disturbance
See Daylight Fadeout.
Sunspot Number
An index of solar activity related to the number of sunspots and sunspot groups present on the Sun.
Relatively cool regions in the solar photosphere that appear dark. They contain intense magnetic fields which provide the energy for solar flares. Sunspots occur in groups. They underlie plage areas.